SANS Technology Institute

March 2, 2016

Kids and Screenshots

This post was originally published on this siteIf you have kids with mobile devices, create a central home charging station in a place like your bedroom. Before the kids go to bed at night, have them put their mobile devices there so they are not tempted to play with them when they should be sleeping.
March 3, 2016


This post was originally published on this siteMake sure you have anti-virus software installed on your computer and that it is automatically updating. However, keep in mind that no anti-virus can catch all malware; your computer can still be infected. That is why it’s so important you use common sense and be wary of any messages that seem odd or suspicious.
March 6, 2016

Secure Your Home Wi-Fi Router

This post was originally published on this siteThe most effective steps you can take to secure your wireless network at home is to change the default admin password, enable WPA2 encryption and use a strong password for your wireless network.
March 7, 2016

Social Media Postings

This post was originally published on this siteBe careful: the more information you post online about yourself, the easier it is for a cyber attacker to target you and create custom attacks against you or your organization.