SANS Technology Institute

March 8, 2016

Go With Passphrases

This post was originally published on this sitePassphrases are the strongest type of passwords and the easiest to remember. Simply use an entire sentence for your password, such as “What time is coffee?” By using spaces and punctuation, you create a long password that is hard to guess but easy to remember.
March 9, 2016

Email Auto-Complete

This post was originally published on this siteBe careful with email auto-complete. This is an email feature that automatically completes a name for you when you begin typing it in the TO field. However, your email client can easily complete the wrong name for you. If you are emailing anything sensitive, always be sure to check the TO field a second time before hitting the send button.
March 10, 2016

Back up Your Files

This post was originally published on this siteEventually, we all have an accident or get hacked. And when we do, backups are often the only way to recover. Backups are cheap and easy; make sure you are backing up all of your personal information (such as family photos) on a regular basis.
March 14, 2016

Unique Passwords

This post was originally published on this siteMake sure each of your accounts has a separate, unique password. Can’t remember all of your passwords/passphrases? Consider using a password manager to securely store all of them for you.