

  • Web Application Firewalls | Next Gen Firewalls | UTM

What is it?

The ability to protect your network from the outside world, shared customer portals and network space, networks acquired via merger (“friendly fire”) and from Internet based applications that attempt to tunnel over allowed ports, such as 80 and 443.

The Problem:

  • Many companies are running on outdated firewalls, lacking in application or user awareness
  • Employees accessing FaceBook and other social networking sites for business purposes, but also for games
  • Traditional firewalls focused more on “speeds and feeds” and less on modern day security
  • Simple port blocking is a thing of the past, most Internet bound applications have the ability to tunnel over HTTP and HTTPS ports

The Solution:

Protecting your network from outside intrusion by blocking access, managing application access, and detecting unusual network behavior is a vital layer of your security practice to keep up with the latest modern day threats.

Vendors we Represent or Partner with:

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